Copyright Kincora Residents Association. All Rights Reserved.

​Annual General Meeting

Interested in making a difference in your community?

The KRA is looking for volunteer board members. If you have an administrative interest in landscaping, 
maintenance, and community features, we would

love to hear from you.

2024/2025 KRA Board of Directors

                                                 President:                 Annette Hall
                                                 Vice President:        Mike Geaman
                                                 Treasurer:                 vacant
                                                 Communications:   Dale Gordon

                                                 Director at large:     John Phillips

​                                                 Director at large:     Bruce Simpson


​​The 2024 AGM was held on Tuesday, June 25th, 2024. Approved 2023 AGM minutes and Draft 2024 AGM meeting minutes have been loaded onto the Portal Library.

The 2025 AGM is tentatively scheduled for June 2025. Proxies for in-person or possible virtual attendance will be updated before the AGM.
